Our mission is to educate consumers and to serve as a voice for consumer advocacy and wellness. We believe everyone should be empowered to make the well-informed decisions on safe, dependable services and products.
Read MoreThe effects of any substance on a human body are far from universal, with biological makeup—gender included—shaping the response. “Women experience something called telescoping,” says Andrea Grubb Barthwell, M.D., a founding chairwoman on the board of FORCE and director of the North Carolina substance-use treatment center called Two Dreams.
Read MoreRepeated drug use leads to long-term changes to the brain. Some of those changes, new research suggests, might be hard to reverse and might even intensify right after withdrawal, explaining why it is so hard to stay off drugs.
Read MoreAs opioid use continues to increase, and as more employees struggle with addiction while on the job, it remains to be seen how human resource professionals will determine the best methods of intervention, and how fear of liability can be overcome to save the lives of the people who work for them, and sometimes, the people those addicts are working with.
Read More"Even after a year or 2 of remission is achieved-through treatment or some other route-it can take 4-5 more years before the risk of relapse drops below 15 percent..... As a result, similar to other chronic conditions, a person with a serious substance use disorder often requires ongoing monitoring and management to maintain remission and to provide early re-intervention should the person relapse."
"Access to recovery support services can help former substance users achieve and sustain long-term wellness."
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